Start learning Lambda and AWS for the first time with Nodejs

What can Lambda do?

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute(It allows you to run code without having to deal with servers in the cloud) service that runs code and automatically manages the underlying compute resources with all the AWS services

P.S. This is what I am interested in right now && Not Familiar with AWS neither

Implete with Node.js

exports.handler =  async function(event, context) {
  console.log("EVENT: \n" + JSON.stringify(event, null, 2))
  return context.logStreamName

This is a async function in nodejs, use handler to process event, once the handler exits or returns a response, it becomes available to handle another event.

There are three parameters inteh handler function:

  1. event contains information from the invoker, the invoke is a JSON-formatted string
  2. context contains information about the invocation, function
  3. callback is a function that you can call in non-async handler to send a response

The console.log can log the JSON format of event or return null